Festivali korraldab: Muusikute fond PLMF Festivali kunstiline juht - Anna-Liisa Bezrodny E-post: es1 = 'mailto:t&#'; es2 = '97;llinnkamme'; es3 = '14;festival@'; es4 = ';gmail.com'; ts1 = 'tallinnkammerf&#'; ts2 = 'x65;stival@gm&#'; ts3 = '97;il.com'; document write(' '+ts1+ts2+ts3+' '); tall[no-Smpam)innkammerfestival@gmail.com www The Tallinn Chamber Music Festival is a major classical music event in Estonia and has become a highly valued tradition. It was created to enrich and add some classical spice to the busy cultural life in Tallinn, giving audiences the chance to enjoy and take pride in the country’s most outstanding musicians alongside many well-known guests.
Tallinn Chamber Music Festival