Early music festival Ceciliana Early music festival Ceciliana Since 2014, Ceciliana, the early music festival is organised by Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. It is common ground for music students and well-known performers from Estonia and all over the world to meet. The artistic director of the festival is Imbi Tarum. Next festival's main performers: Michael Hell (Graz), Ann Wallström (Stockholm), Students of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Early music festival Ceciliana

Early music festival Ceciliana

13.-16. Mar 2025 Tallinn

Since 2014, Ceciliana, the early music festival is organised by Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. It is common ground for music students and well-known performers from Estonia and all over the world to meet.
The artistic director of the festival is Imbi Tarum.

Early music festival Ceciliana

Organised by Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
Web: https://emtasaalid.ee/
Phone: (+372) 6675 759

Festival 2025: This festival includes an early opera project which involves both our students and pupils from MUBA.
Next festival's main performers:
Michael Hell (Graz), Ann Wallström (Stockholm), Students of Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
December 2024
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Estonian Music Festivals • • +372 56 678 695

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Early music festival Ceciliana

Early music festival Ceciliana

Organised by Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Web: https://emtasaalid ee/ Phone: (+372) 6675 759 Festival 2025: This festival includes an early opera project which involves both our students and pupils from MUBA Since 2014, Ceciliana, the early music festival is organised by Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. It is common ground for music students and well-known performers from Estonia and all over the world to meet. The artistic director of the festival is Imbi Tarum.

Early music festival Ceciliana

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