Summer Opera Summer Opera The PLMF Music Trust organises costumed concert performances, known as Summer Opera, at Tallinn City Hall. ee/et/suveooper-2023/ Summer Opera

Summer Opera

28. July - 19. August 2023 Tallinn Town Hall

The PLMF Music Trust organises costumed concert performances, known as Summer Opera, at Tallinn City Hall.

Summer Opera

The PLMF Music Trust organises costumed concert performances, known as Summer Opera, at Tallinn City Hall from July 28th to August 19th, every Friday and Saturday starting at 6 p.m. Alongside opera music, the audience can enjoy the historical atmosphere of the Tallinn City Hall Citizens Hall.
The concerts feature arias, duets, and trios by world-renowned composers. The 60-minute performances are enhanced by period costumes and aesthetic stage design. Summer Opera 2023 is an exceptional opportunity to enjoy high-quality opera music at Tallinn City Hall and to experience unforgettable moments with Estonia's finest opera singers.
The evenings of Summer Opera are led by Pille Lill and Alar Haak, visual designs are made by Riina Vanhanen.
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Summer Opera

Summer Opera

Event website: https://plmf ee/et/suveooper-2023/ The PLMF Music Trust organises costumed concert performances, known as Summer Opera, at Tallinn City Hall from July 28th to August 19th, every Friday and Saturday starting at 6 p The PLMF Music Trust organises costumed concert performances, known as Summer Opera, at Tallinn City Hall.

Summer Opera © 2015 Estonian Music Festivals »